Inspirational and Motivational Moments 

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Photo  by  Dana Perez

When light enters, those things hidden in the dark are exposed.

Harry J. Perez, 8-22-16


Note to my better half

 You know we have done some very wonderful things in our lives together, right? !

 We have traveled far and wide. We have been here and there. We have met some great and wonderful people along the way. We have been at the top of the world in Alaska-near the Arctic Circle, and at the bottom of the world too-in Antarctica.

 But the best we together have done, even above all those other things, has been bringing our kids into the world, even if it is a tough environment for them.

 The love you and I have shared has made them who they are and more importantly who they will become. Each one of them is a unique individual with skills and talents that they brought with them from whichever star they came from.

 You and I raised them to be themselves, not a carbon copy of us, even though they do share some of our traits. We love each one of them no less the others.

 The greatest gift you have given me is for you to be their mother

 Happy Mothers Day

Harry J Perez, 

Orginally Posted May 10, 2020

Reposted May 12,2024



               Once Again All of Society at Risk

When a diverse society discovers a common enemy (perhaps hate?), then that society rallies together to fight against it, to defeat it.

But when a diverse society finds that the common energy is each other, then that society will be forever locked in conflict, never any peace.

Harry J. Perez  10-10-23

San Antonio, Texas


Keep This in Mind (if you have one)

 Yesterday is But a Fading Memory. Tomorrow is But a Hopeful Dream.

Now, Today is a Different Story. All that Really Matters is Today, and Your Feet.

So Take One Step at a Time.

 Harry J. Perez, 6-7-2023


Progress or no Progress

 For some, progress is intimidating. If that’s you, just live in the moment and let progress past you by, if that’s what you choose for yourself.

Let others bare the results, good or bad.

But don’t get in the way!

Harry J. Perez, 10-19-22



 Unity cannot be forced, it can only be motivated

     Harry J. Perez, 8-25-22



 Eternity, what does it mean to you?

 But more importantly how do you plan to spend you time, or rather your existence, while your ‘re there?

 Baking in the heat?


Bathing in the light?

 Harry J. Perez, April 1, 2022



History has shown that the spirit of the free, will always triumph over those who choose to trample over the weak and humble.

 Harry J. Perez

Written sometime in 2014


Sadly Triumph doesn’t happen overnight, or even in a day. Perhaps, and maybe only after months or years have passed after the trampling occurred. Just think of the pain and suffering, or worse that has been endured.

 Harry J. Perez, 2-26-2022


To Our Daughter On this Day

Once again this year- December 9, 2021

 Just a few short years ago on this day a new life arrived to bless our lives. What a wonderful life it has been for us ever since, and more importantly for the world.

Thank you for being you

We Love You


Posted December 9, 2021 on www.


"Where have all the flowers gone?"

America, it is time for all men and women of good conscience to truly exam their hearts and souls, and come to grips with the thought or perhaps the reality that once again the world may be coming into a major paradigm shift. The ground is moving rapidly and once it reaches critical mass we may not be able to effect any influence on this shift until it runs its course. Just as history has shown, when these shifts have occurred, it has taken a long time to return to what we all consider to be normal, especially if these shifts are negative in nature. But they will return; the question is, what damage will it impose on us.

 There are powerful forces at work that are flooding our consciousness to the extent that we will not be able to overcome their tug on every fiber of our being. We will not be able to resist. It will require strong will power to break out and push back on the rapid spiral that we will find ourselves in, and that is devouring our values, decency and our common sense, and gradually our souls. Are we ready to deal with what the dark clouds on the horizon will bring?

 We will wake one morning, look outside and ask; "where have all the flowers gone?"

 But someone will answer and point us in the right direction-we hope and pray that this will not be long in coming.

 Harry J. Perez, January 29, 2020

Shortly after I posted this ESSAY on January 29, 2020, Covid 19  arrived at our countrys door step. I wrote what I wrote not really knowing what was going to happen. 

But was covid the paradigm shift that I felt was coming, or was it just a prelude of bigger more distructive things to come?

I pray not!!!

Look all around you, and what do you think?

Harry J. Perez, December 1 2021


Do we really know what we have? 

A loving family!

Great friends!

Great neighbors!

A successful career!

A path to the future! 

But do you know that all of these things are gifts that we have received from each other.

Yet in order to keep these gifts we must collectively defend how we got them.

In this country we have but a small price to pay to be free to receive the good will of our place in the world. Please don’t throw it away!

Harry J. Perez, 8-16-21


LIFE; it begins at LOVE!

Harry J. Perez,  8-16-21


Never Again!

Even though forgiven for your indiscretions, you still have to shed those same indiscretions yourself; they do not go away just because they have been forgiven. Maybe saying you’re sorry and promising to never do it again, should work! Try it you will feel a whole lot better.

 Harry J. Perez, July 20, 2021



You must now know that the world goes on without those who care, and those who need to be cared for are left out on the street. 


Harry J. Perez, May28, 2021


Right Now!

Right now! We are on hanging on by a tread. And that tread is only as strong as the weakest among us. So don’t be surprised when it breaks and we all come tumbling down. 

Harry J. Perez, May 24, 2021


What If 

What if GOD does exist, what side are you on?

You already know that if you punch your boss in the nose, well…your history!

Think about who the real 

Boss is!

 Harry J. Perez, 4-6-21 


Fix it

The present cannot be fixed unless we look at what got us here.

Harry J. Perez, 3-11-21


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If she could do it in her era, while fellow Americans fought wars on two fronts, today’s Americans certainly can do it too.

Harry J. Perez, 2-25-21



        Those possessed by Evil don’t know that they are evil, but those not possessed know when others are when they see it, they recognize it because the possessed won’t shut up.

       They will talk excessively, almost to Ad Nauseam, to cover up what they know to be the truth, perhaps subconsciously trying to convince them selves that they are right.

 My Opinion-Harry J. Perez, 2-27-21


 To My Daughter On this Day

 Just a few short years ago on this day a new life arrived to bless our lives. What a wonderful life it has been for us ever since, and more importantly for the world.

Thank you for being you 

We Love You

 Harry J. Perez

Written to his daughter Dana on her birthday

December 9, 2020



Freedom does not mean that we can do anything we want, or as we please, disregarding the consequences.

What FREEDOM does mean is that we can CHOOSE what we want to do knowing full well that we must accept and own up to the results; Good or Bad! 

Harry J. Perez, 11-17-2020


A Gift

The greatest gift that God has given Human Beings is our ability to recognize true love, and to know when we see it.

Also, to know what the opposite looks like as well. 

Harry J. Perez, 10-26-20



 Evil knows no boundary. It will hack away to great abound to achieve its goal. You have to be steadfast to avoid the onslaught, and you must be patient for it too will pass away.

Harry J. Perez

December 9, 2020


Feeling any Heat?

With the world falling apart all around us, and everything seemly going to hell in a hand basket, and seeing the insanity of it all, we will know we are blessed when recognize the good things in our lives and to see them before our time on earth is over.

By the way, we will be instrumental in our own demise (end of the world), whether we have achieved what the Creator has intended for us, or not. 

But only He knows when that time will be, and worse than that is we won’t know what will hit us when it happens. We will just wake up one day in a different place, where the temperature will be a lot warmer than we‘re used too, or with the best weather ever, forever. 

Harry J. Perez, 11-26-2020


 With Heavy Heart

My heart is crying. I see pain and suffering everywhere I turn. I feel the loss of mind and soul of those all around me. I sense that faith and hope is slipping away. What can we do, to whom can we turn to, turn to and seek help?   What can we do to stop the madness of being out of control? 

I just hope and pray that my tears of sadness don’t turn into drops of blood, blood that indicates our country’s imminent decline. 

Don’t let this day pass on by without doing something. If each and everyone one of us will do one thing that is right and just, we will make it.

Harry J. Perez, still a proud American from San Antonio, Texas, 10-17-20


To most people ‘The Sky Is The Limit’,

To those who love aviation, the sky is HOME! “

by: Jerry Crawford

   Shared with us by Dana Perez


Getting to the Point

 When we intentionally take a human life, or choose not to help our neighbor, we are setting into motion a series of happenings that we will not be able to control and will in turn place us in jeopardy in our survival. 

 The first thing that we will see occurring is the loss of civility in our social behavior. Then this will lead to unrest and violence. 

 As we lose control, it will predispose us to more complicated disorder; decease, famine, distrust, panic and finally the loss of purpose-demise will quickly follow.

Harry J. Perez, Posted here May 29, 2020.

Technical Writer and freelance travel and aviation journalist

I took this out of an Essay (Lets get to the Point) that I wrote back in 2018-still relevant today, the decline continues. Chick here for full ESSAY.


What about now?

To see into the future, is to see into the future.

But the now is the imperative, if not, there is no future. 

Harry J. Perez, July 9, 2020

San Antonio, Texas



Before you can have Order, you must establish it. 

Then you must maintain it.

But that only comes when you create the laws that make sense and are enforceable.

Otherwise you end up with a dictatorship, and chaos reins once again.

Harry J. Perez, July 9, 2020


Note to my better half

 You know we have done some very wonderful things in our lives together, right? !

 We have traveled far and wide. We have been here and there. We have met some great and wonderful people along the way. We have been at the top of the world in Alaska-near the Arctic Circle, and at the bottom of the world too-in Antarctica.

 But the best we together have done, even above all those other things, has been bringing our kids into the world, even if it is a tough environment for them.

 The love you and I have shared has made them who they are and more importantly who they will become. Each one of them is a unique individual with skills and talents that they brought with them from whichever star they came from.

 You and I raised them to be themselves, not a carbon copy of us, even though they do share some of our traits. We love each one of them no less the others.

 The greatest gift you have given me is for you to be their mother

 Happy Mothers Day

Harry J Perez, May 10, 2020


“When the wind of change blows some people build walls, others build windmills

Chinese Proverb


What is the difference between being intelligent and being genius?

 Harry J. Perez, 2-23-19

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”  E. F. Schumacher


Would You Ever Know?

if science didn’t exist in our time, would we ever know whether the world was round or flat? Could we ever envision being humble enough to have faith in one who is a genius, and who would be able to tell us how things really are, and how it all works?

Harry J. Perez, April 1, 2020



Start by Doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly  you are doing the impossible.”

Francis of Assisi, patron saint of Italy, animals, ecology



 Is it that we do not really believe in life after birth?

Have you offered your neighbor a helpful thought?

Have you offered your neighbor to help with the rigors of life?

Have you ever offered your neighbor to defend or protect him? 

Have YOU ever at least offered your neighbor a helping hand?


Harry J. Perez, March 21, 2020



He who assumes will ultimately be consumed by it.

Harry J. Perez, March 21, 2020


"Where have all the flowers gone?"

America, it is time for all men and women of good conscience to truly exam their hearts and souls, and come to grips with the thought or perhaps the reality that once again the world may be coming into a major paradigm shift. The ground is moving rapidly and once it reaches critical mass we may not be able to effect any influence on this shift until it runs its course. Just as history has shown, when these shifts have occurred, it has taken a long time to return to what we all consider to be normal, especially if these shifts are negative in nature. But they will return; the question is, what damage will it impose on us.

 There are powerful forces at work that are flooding our consciousness to the extent that we will not be able to overcome their tug on every fiber of our being. We will not be able to resist. It will require strong will power to break out and push back on the rapid spiral that we will find ourselves in, and that is devouring our values, decency and our common sense, and gradually our souls. Are we ready to deal with what the dark clouds on the horizon will bring?

 We will wake one morning, look outside and ask; "where have all the flowers gone?"

 But someone will answer and point us in the right direction-we hope and pray that this will not be long in coming.

 Harry J. Perez, January 29, 2020

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Shortly after I posted this ESSAY on January 29, 2020, Covid 19  arrived at our countrys door step. I wrote what I wrote not really knowing what was going to happen. 

But was covid the paradigm shift that I felt was coming, or was it just a prelude of bigger more distructive things to come?

I pray not!!!

Look all around you, and what do you think?

Harry J. Perez, December 1 2021


There are Bumps Along the Way 

We all face adversity from time to time in our lives. Without self control these adversities can drive us to the breaking point. But with purpose, and the will to overcome we can break out into new light, and then nothing or no one can defeat us. So hang on, even if the ride is bumpy.

Harry J. Perez, August 16, 2019


A Thanks Giving

 I firmly believe that we have a heck of a lot more to be grateful for, then we have to complain about.

So thank you Mom and Dad for giving me life, and for giving me a life to live.

Harry J. Perez, October 24, 2019



It is much easier to live out your life with the truth then to be chased by a lie. You will never out run it, at least not in this lifetime. 

Harry J. Perez, October 24, 2019


In Search of a Star

I peered into the vast darkness of deep space and found my star. Now we will travel together across the universe forever.

Harry J. Perez, October 16, 2019


You Will Know

My thought is that the answer to all our troubles in this world is very simple; if your about to do something for or against your neighbor, and you would not want that done to you, then you will know that it is wrong-it’s usually illegal.

Harry J. Perez, May 25, 2019


"A man who knows how little he knows is well; a man who knows how much he knows is sick."

Laotzu, Philosopher


Face Up To It

We all have many dark spots in our history, too many to mention, but if we don’t look back at them face to face, we will forever be looking over our shoulders fearing that  one day they will catch up with us.

Harry J. Perez, July 17, 2019


Beyond All Measure

Life begins and ends in a flash. Are you ready for what is beyond?

         Harry J. Perez, October 1, 2019


What’s too Short?

Life is too short! Don’t waste a second of it, for you will not get it back in this life time, and the next life may not be to your liking. Then that wasted second you lost will seem like an eternity.

 Harry J. Perez, 5-20-19


Stealing the Truth

The seventh commandment; “Thy shall not steal,” is the same when you lie, for you are stealing the Truth from whomever you have told that lie.

The bigger the lie, the bigger the theft.

Harry J. Perez, April 30, 2019



 The eighth commandment, “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

But you shall bear the truth of what you have witnessed for the sake of all Humanity.

 Harry J. Perez, April 1, 2019


 IS IT Obvious?

Our universe is all inclusive and contains every ingredient to produce life. Planet Earth makes that obvious! Furthermore, to produce intelligent life, human beings make that obvious as well. But obvious does not measure to what degree life is essential to the continued survival of the universe, and to what degree humans are intelligent.

Harry J. Perez, 2012


When is the TIME?

Now is the time to protect our children, and their hunger for knowledge!

 Our future depends on it!

Harry J. Perez, 2-15-18


 Turning Toward the Light 

Unless you are willing to look into the darkness of the past, you will not easily be able to turn toward the light of the future.

 Harry J. Perez, 2-5-18


Photo is Courtesy of NASA, taken by Astronaut Scott Kelly on August 10, 2015 from the space station



Every one of us has their Mission to fulfill in Life.

 This Mission is to protect from, depend against and resist the temptation to do nothing. To do otherwise is to be missing out.

 To truly connect with life we must face head-on the rigors that it brings us. To act intelligently will give us a better understanding and acceptance of all things around us-especially The Truth.

Therefore today our mission is to proceed to the next step and find the missing piece of the puzzle, and complete the circle of life.

 Harry J. Perez, 12-27-17


Free To Choose



Perhaps for most, inspiration comes only once in a lifetime. When it does come one must grab it and hold on for dear life. Nurture and care for it, for it may not ever come again.

My inspiration came on June 7, 1961 and she is still standing by my side to this day.

Harry J. Perez, June 7, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022…….


The Better We Can See

To address the underlying issues rather than the obvious 

is an important goal. The better we all can see things 

the more enthusiastic, the more supportive and the more we

will feel empowered, therefore the more active and

involved we will become. Society needs to take back control

 of its destiny.

Harry J. Perez, 11-16-17


 To be Free is to be Happy

When this great country of ours first came into being it quickly became obvious that for this fledgling new country to succeed it had to built into its governing system a plan that would guarantee for all time that each and every individual would be allowed to freely choose and live out their lives as they saw fit, and to be able to reach out for their own happiness as they wished to be. The Founding Fathers envisioned a New Democracy that assures that we would not allow for anyone individual be denied these pursuits, for if so denied, it would be denied to all, necessitating the call to all to come to their defense.

Harry J. Perez, 11-16-17


To be a Commander

"He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command."

-- Niccolo Machiavelli, historian and writer


Knowing, in and of Itself is Not Enough

Knowledge is more than just words and numbers

It’s what you do with them that will give you relevancy  in securing a meaningful life.

Harry J. Perez, 5-8-17



To really listen, it must be with our whole Being. It must be with not only our ears but also it must be with our hearts and mind, it must be you!  To really listen becomes the essence of love.

Harry J. Perez , 6-11-17  


To Educate

To educate is to lay the groundwork for how we live out our lives, how our children will be able to live out their lives. Education and life go hand in hand, one leads to the other.

Harry J. Perez, 5-15-17


The Circle of Life

 When we subscribe to a world with true Justice, Equality becomes the norm.

 When Equality becomes the norm, Unity becomes obvious.

 When we are all United, it is easy to see the light of day that points to the Divine.

 But none of these will happen unless we have Love.

 It then comes to be a full circle, all intertwined and without end.

 Harry J. Perez, 12-31-16


Let us learn how to use the Instruments of our Being in order to be able to navigate through the trials of our lives.

Harry J. Perez, 3-10-2017



 Let’s let it become what it is meant to be.

If this is to be, we must bring life into focus, with liberty being an absolutely essential ingredient for success, and therefore guaranteeing our happiness. 

Staying focused on the goals that will keep us on the right path is crucial. Therefore, it is possible for an individual to stay above the fray and not lose his way in route to his chosen final destination. 

But this can only occur if he stays on track and is true to himself.

Harry J. Perez, January 16, 2017


Calm vs. Storm

“Sometimes God Calms the storm, but sometimes God lets the Storm rage and calms His child.”

 Leslie Gould



 You should never aspire for greatness, but you should look deep down into your soul, and see how you look at life all around you, and do you see greatness there? 

Then and only then will you ever hope to attain that for yourself, for it is how others see you that will determine if you have it or not.

Harry J. Perez, 11-5-16


Love Till Hurts

“Love your enemies, just keep loving them. And by the power of your love, they will break down under the load. That’s love, you see. It is redemptive, and this is why Jesus says love. There’s something about love that builds up and is creative. There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive.”

 Martin Luther King Jr.


Weak vs Strong

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. "

Mahatma Gandhi,

social reformer and independence movement leader


To Feel Good

"People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel."

    Maya Angelou, writer


Responsibility for the Future

"Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past -- let us accept our own responsibility for the future."

John F. Kennedy, 35th US President



   Perfection in an imperfect world although rare can be found, but only after looking deep into your self can you ever determine how and where you can find it.

    When you see that it is a long journey to discover perfection, then and only then can you attempt to judge.

Harry J. Perez, 8-21-16



  Specifically saying I am sorry carries much more weight then just simply saying that I regret what I said. 

   Regrets without specificity could be self-serving-regrets without sincerity to escape ridicule. 

  Most will see right through it and is unbecoming of reasonable people.

 Harry J. Perez, 8-20-16


All Things  

  To protect from, defend against and resist the gentle touches of life will harden your heart.

 To truly connect with life will give you a better understanding and acceptance of all things around you.

 Harry J. Perez, 8-15-16


“Strength does not come from physical capacity.

It comes from an indomitable will."

Mahatma Gandhi, Social Reformer


"Imagine what it would be like to live in a world where you are more concerned about what you have to offer than what you have to hide." — Unknown


Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life –think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

 Swami Vivekanada, Monk and Teacher


Character, not circumstances, makes the man.

Booker T. Washington, educator, writer and orator


Muhammad Ali

 We may never know what God's plan is for each one of us. For all the greatness of Muhammad Ali (Cactus Clay), he may have been born to die just at this time, so that we may reflect on what life is really all about, and how we can relate to those who have contributed to the good of humanity, instead of the division we are currently facing.

 Harry J. Perez, 6-6-16


Good vs Evil

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”

Edmund Burke, Irish Politician

We are looking for just a few good men or women to stand up to evil-PLEASE!



AMERICA is not Great because we are rich and powerful.

AMERICA is rich and powerful because we ARE Great!

Greatness is not measured by wealth or power. It is the way wealth and power is experienced and expressed that can measure the character of the holder of such wealth and power. And the most likely to measure greatness are those whom are beneficiary in sharing in that wealth and power. They can truly be a witness to that truth, not those who are only seeing this expression from the outside.

These outsiders may actually be the most likely to be the ones who will be critical of such experiences, simply because they are envious of this behavior, instead of joining the celebration of the raising up those in need.

The majority of Americans when enlighten will bend over backwards to help their friends and neighbors. We have seen for ourselves how our parents and earlier generations have dealt with the positives and negatives of the affects of wealth and power through the progression of these United States. When we know the truth, we do the right thing-no less. This is what Makes AMERICA GREAT!

Greatness comes to those who share it with others.

Harry J. Perez, 11-16-15


"Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together."

-- J.C. Penney, entrepreneur   



Whenever you think you know the future

even for a second-

It Changes!

Sometimes the future changes quickly and competely,

and we are left only with the choice of what to do next.

We can choose to be afraid of it…

To stand there trembling

-not moving-


We can step forward into the unknown…

and assume it will be Brilliant!

… Quote from Grey’s Anatomy Episode

Posted  Here on 3-30-16 by Dana Perez


Thanks Dana, you made my day. Those who do not change, cannot change or WILL not change will loose their free will. They ultimately loose the right to choose. They surrender themselves to the past, and remain captives of their own shadows, for the future for them is already too big a change, and dare not to step forward.

 Harry J. Perez, 3-30-16


 “Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does the work”

 Mark Twain, Writer 


Or Merely

"Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?"

 Hunter S. Thompson, journalist and writer


The Butterfly Effect

A butterfly could flap its wings and set molecules of air in motion, which would move other molecules of air, in turn moving more molecules of air–eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet.

Edward Lorenz, Mathematician and Meteorologist, wrote this theory in 1963


In the 50 plus years since 1963, we have come to understand how world events anywhere, can have a real dramatic affect everywhere, even around the world.

Harry J. Perez


Peace and Mercy

In a world full of doubt, even a simple smile can make a real difference in bringing peace and mercy to others.

Harry J. Perez



“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams."

Oprah Winfrey                                                                                     Media personality, businesswoman and philanthropist


What an Idea

It used to be said that middle age began at 40, back in the 20th Century.

Then at the turn of the Century it was said that middle age began at 50.

Then low and behold it was said middle began at 60. Wow can you believe that?

Well now - NOW, for me middle age began 5 months ago. And that’s’ the way I feel about!

Harry J. Perez, 11-30-15


 DonJust Sit There!

Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas; he must burst it open."

 Albert Einstein,theoretical physicist



Who Knew?

“Knowledge is power. Power to do evil ... or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. So knowledge itself is not evil."

 Veronica Roth, novelist

With Knowledge and in the presence of a powerful goodness, evil becomes powerless.

 Harry J. Perez, 9-30-15


In the presence of GOODNESS, evil is exposed

Harry J. Perez, 9-28-2015


Who or what am I?

 I once was tattered and frayed.

I was  always, lonely and afraid, because no one had prayed.

 But now I am bold and bright,

Yet the world is still not right.

 And even though the red and blue still fight,

There still may be someone, who can make it right.

 How long must I wait in my plight.

Hurry, you who are waiting in the wings, for I will not last must longer, in my fright.

 Here, I stand at attention, all dressed up in red, white and blue.

And once again you seem to have no clue.

 Listen carefully I don’t have much time.

For I am running, out of rhyme.

 All I can do now, is wave in the breeze.

However, you now must stand up for what is right, without the need to appease.

 But please, don’t let me once again get tattered and frayed, and without great 


Lets all come together, and create a new goal to attain.

 You really already know who and what I am

So, please do what you can.

 With your help I may reach for the stars,

But I won’t again leave any scars!


Will you?

Harry J. Perez, First posted 1- 5- 2015


Oh - To be free and to spread our wings and fly away

Clouds and Seagulls

Harry J. Perez

"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."

Helen Keller, writer and political activist


“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

 Oprah Winfrey, Businesswomen, TV Celerity



One, and two, and tree little….

 Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

-- Warren Buffett, investor and philanthropist

 So, do your part and pay it forward, and plant another tree.

 Harry J. Perez


Creativity Requires Courage!

 There will always be those whose fierce urge to create gives them the strength to climb out of the box and brave the narrow- mindedness of others. But how much more would creativity flourish in the world if we granted everybody the freedom to bloom?

 Thomas Kinkade, Artist and Writer


Life - The Final Frontier

Those who fail to understand what life is all about are destined to be consumed by it.

Harry J. Perez



History has shown that the spirit of the free, will always triumph over those who choose to trample over the weak and humble.

Harry J. Perez


The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be."

-- Marcel Pagnol, novelist, playwright and filmmaker


Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be” 

Abraham Lincoln    


“Each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity."

 Marie Curie, physicist and chemist



To See the Good

    There are those who often say that if you see the good in all people, that you are not being realistic. That your point of view that comes from the heart serves as a handicap. That you will never be able to see the evil that roams the world devouring what is left of good.

     But I have to say that the good you see is not a handicap at all, but a stool that you can use to stand on and see above the rest and see all the ones that are good, and want to see all that is still good. What you will see is that there are many more out there then you think, that feel and think like you do.

    So don’t despair, don’t give up, just reach out and join hands and the dark side of life will vanish away when the brilliance of light is present, for light is what you bring to life.

Harry J. Perez, May 12, 2015

Click Here: How Do I  See, Think and Feel?


Charles Lindbergh once said about Flying: 'What freedom lies in flying, what Godlike power it gives to men ... I lose all consciousness in this strong unmortal space crowded with beauty, pierced with danger.'"




The "Theory of Everything" always begins with nothingness.

From nothing to nothing.

You come into the world with nothing and you leave it with nothing. 

Then, the only thing that matters is what happens in between. 

The only thing that really matters is whether you are happy.

That is the missing link-the equation if you will, the X factor.

And the answer is very simple-have you loved and are you loved. Then everything becomes perfectly clear.

Harry J. Perez, 3-23-2015


A New Dawn

  We are at the threshold of a new dawn; a brand new year is before us. We can create changes in direction, we can make changes to our current direction, we can even change ourselves, or we can do nothing at all.

 Wake up, opportunity is before you, don’t waste it, for today is the only time you can change anything. Yesterday is gone, no changes there, tomorrow is not yet here and those changes have to wait for what happens today.

  Today is truly the only time you have to effect change. Don’t wait until it’s to late! Don’t wait until it dawns on you that life has past you by-that would be the saddest day of all!

 Harry J. Perez, January 1, 2015

Chick here - How Do I See, Think, and Feel.


We Wonder Why

  Sometimes, under duress and desperation we will blindly follow those who offer an escape from what appears to be an insoluble situation - thinking, in many cases wrongly, that the answer lies in an abyss.

        Once we have fallen off the edge, we wonder - WHY? WHY didn’t I see that coming? 

      WHY me is the typical reaction most of us have. But the real question should be, why didn’t we listen better?

Harry J. Perez, 

I don’t recall when I wrote this, but it was definitely before 1 January 2015.


Harry J. Perez, 4-11-20


A Gem


He walks on the bus with a poem to share

With words of great wisdom to deliver with such care.

 He always has a smile and quite a fancy quote

But don’t think at all he’s a man that will gloat.

 He says he is blessed, not once, but all through his life

While he always praises and honors his exceptional wife.

 He walks into a room with a glow that won’t dim

I met him in Mobile and his name is just “Jim”.

 By: Dana Lynn Perez


Do You Want To Survive?

The wonderful beauty of democracy is that it subscribes to the notion, perhaps even a truth, that each and every human being is an integral part of the survival of the world. Therefore, it is of critical importance to each individual in protecting the right to life-to survive in peace and harmony, liberty - the right to choose how to live their lives as long as it does not infringe on another's chosen path, and the right to pursue their chose of how to be happy, again without wrongfully causing someone else's unhappiness. If we are able to achieve this, survival will take care of itself.

Harry J. Perez, to see the full text of this essay, chick here

Survival of life at any cost, is survival without a cause, and therefore not worth living if the spirit is lost in the process.

 Harry J. Perez

Look at America the Beautiful



We all know that even one light can make a difference in the dark of night - can you imagine what 

seven billion lights can do?

Harry J. Perez


A Flag

As I pass by your home I see that your display of our Great American Flag still means something, for your flag, as tattered and frayed as it is today, continues to wave, as it once did at a place described in our national anthem.

I am so proud to see it, that no matter the reason that you fly the flag, it continues to symbolize what we collectively have in the freedoms we share-the freedom of expression.

I am here today to present you with a new flag; please accept this new flag in honor of a Veteran (alive or deceased) that may have once lived just a short distance down the road. It is their flag just as much as it is yours and mine. And if he or she could be here with me now, they would offer it themselves.

Fly it proudly, for without it, we all would be the poorer in health, with little to no freedoms, and with no way to be truly happy.

When I speak of Veterans, I really mean all Veterans of every conflict in life, not just War!

If for whatever reason you choose not to accept this token of national unity, please pass it on to someone who will.

 A Fellow Citizen

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To read more go to "Who and what am I" - Chick Here.



is dedicated to all those who dare to venture out of their comfort zone and reach for the sky, to become one with nature and who inspire the rest of us to also wonder, not whether we can, but what is stopping us from reaching for our destiny.

This Morning as you awaken; you now have 86,400 seconds to spend. How will you do that? For the better I hope.

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Photo  By: Dana Lynn Perez

The storms of life can be a daunting task to handle if you are unable to harness and control the mighty power that they can unleash on you. They can either destroy you or make you more powerful then ever.

Harry J. Perez

“When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present…

 we experience heaven on earth.”

 Sarah Breathnach


“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain!”

 Vivian Greene

"True happiness is ... to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future."

By Seneca, Roman philosopher and playwright

"Everything that’s really worthwhile in life comes to us free—our minds, our souls, our bodies, our hopes, our dreams, our intelligence, our love of family and friends, and country. All of these priceless possessions are free.” — 

Earl Nightingale

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”

 Frederick Koenig


 “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.”

 Denis Waitley

"Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the handcuffs of hate.” 

William Ward

"To create a quantum leap, you have to really want it. I call it moving from the “Want To Lane” to the “Got To Lane.” When you have chosen to take action, you have crossed into Decision Zone."

 Gloria Mayfield Banks

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.”

 Charles Spurgeon



A Promise

 The nature of a promise is that it remains the same regardless of changing circumstance.

 A promise is a promise no matter what, unless released by the one you promised.

Harry J. Perez



 How it all works

For a long time now we have been stumbling around trying to figure out what it’s all about. Whether its science, or medicine, or social order or even life itself, and just when we think we know how something works, we are often faced with more new questions then we have answers-always befuddled. But once we learn how it all really works, we may be able to accurately predict the future and truly become masters of our own destiny.

Harry J. Perez


The Rose Garden

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Even though I never promised you a rose garden, I did promise to hold you close till death do us part. And one of us will be waiting on the other side for an eternal reunion, where the roses will never die and we will never part again.

Harry J. Perez


To be Humble

To love is to be humble, for love without humility is no love at all.

And without love there is no peace, no harmony, with no place to go.

We will wonder aimlessly in our existence, with no purpose, no direction, up to no good and denying everyone within our reach the right and privilege of peace and harmony that can only come with true love.

Harry J. Perez

"Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."

Norman Vincent Peale, an American minister and writer

It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” ~

 George Eliot

        “Whether you reach success or failure in life has little to do with your circumstances; it has much more to do with your attitude…with your faithful courage…with your choices!

        You see, non-achievers blame their      circumstances; winners rise above their circumstances. 

                  Some concentrate on the blank wall that boxes them in; winners always look for a way to get under it, over it, around it, or through it.”

 Nido Qubein


The Human Condition

The thought of taking of another Human Beings life or depriving him of the same benefits of life, as one self would have, or deprive another the tools for survival does not make common sense. Whether it is a senseless murder or the killing of another in an act of war, stealing of another’s property with the incorrect rationalization that it is an act of survival, still violates basic natural law.

Harry J. Perez


Again and forever

Every Night before Going to Sleep I Thank God for Sending You to Me and Every Morning I awaken and Fall in Love with You All Over Again!!

Harry J. Perez



Instead of complaining about what others say or do, go clean up the some one else’s mess, and chill out. Instead of turning the other way when trouble looms, turn the other cheek and be humble. Instead of rioting and destroying harmony, clean up behind the rioters and restore the peace, for anarchy leads to nowhere. Instead of cursing the dark, why not light up some ones life. You will be surprised how bright your own life will become.

Harry J. Perez




 As we are caught up in the celebration of life, we must not forget the celebration of death is just as important. Why? For those who believe, the inevitability of death is but a bridge that will take us to another place, and we have faith that it will be a better one. And for those who do not believe, death is still inevitable.

We were on a road trip to the northeast with some dear friends not to long ago and stumbled onto an old cemetery. As we walked through the grounds we could see that no one had paid much attention to its upkeep, many tombstones were toppled over and some were broken. The premises were engulfed in weeds. There was one headstone that read with the individuals’ first name, followed with the word-DIED, and nothing more. We were saddened with the condition of the cemetery.

In looking at the names and dates of those who resided here it became apparent why there was little care taken; the most recent date was in the late 1800s. Without saying a word the six of us began to go about clearing and picking up debris, almost as if the residents of this sacred place had invited us to stay and help. We spend about an hour there speaking, as we cleaned, to each other about our long gone relatives, knowing that they would want someone to do the same at their final resting place, ours for that matter.

As we drove away to continue our celebration of life, I couldn’t help but think about what most of us always heard from our mothers as we were growing up-leave the place better than you found it! By the way that applies to the planet too. When we all leave our mother earth for that better place, leave it for the better. Those left behind will certainly appreciate it.

Harry J. Perez



 To Smile  

We often say we are creatures of habit - US, human beings. But are we happy creatures? Do you know how we can tell? By how often we smile. 

Each day count how often you smile, and it will soon become a habit. Habits say who you are.

Now, be careful though , it is highly contagious - we wouldn't want the whole world to be too happy all  at once, would we?

Harry J. Perez


How well do we see, hear and feel?

My eyes see the world as it really is:

 As I peer into the world I see someone running, and running, perhaps it's me, running toward something, or maybe running away from something, always in a hurry to nowhere, reaching out for nothing and becoming no one. WHY?

 My soul sees the world as it should be:

 As I reflect on my life I have come to realize that for every problem in the world there is always a simple solution - always! It is human intervention that complicates the result.

 And my heart sees the world as it once was:

Oh, how I yearn for times past; running through the meadows of my life, feeling the cool brisk wind of change on my face and having not a care in the world since I know that what I have done and what lies ahead for me, was and still is my destiny.

 I now know my truth - do you know yours?

Harry J. Perez

and the rest of the story…..


Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Anything worth dying for is worth living for as well. While we spend most of our lives chasing false dreams we often forget to pay attention to what really matters, those things that assure our survival (life), a genuine sense of freedom (liberty) and a real grasp of what it means to be truly happy.

Therefore, every minute is precious, take care of it, nurture it, don't waste a second of it, for yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow is no more than a dream until you have past through today. 

Live in the moment and tomorrow's true dreams will become a reality.

Harry J. Perez

and the rest of the story….


Your Destiny

When you look at a photo with the sun on the horizon, do you wonder whether it is rising or setting?   

"If you are in control of your destiny, it does not matter, for if it is setting you can't wait till it's rising again in order to tackle all the exciting things that are about to happen tomorrow. And if it is setting, you are at peace with what transpired today."  

Harry J. Perez


Rest in the blue

We Fly Because Our Hearts Ache For It

               We Fly Because Our Minds Lead Us to the Sky

                                We Fly Because Our Souls Are At Rest in The Blue

                                                                                             Harry J. Perez

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"We write because our hearts tells us to, 

           We write because our minds demands it so,

                     We write because our souls are enlighten by it."

                                                                                                                   Harry J. Perez


Who are we?

"The courage needed to stay the course for the long haul will undoubtedly tax every fiber of our being. However, because of who we are and where we came from, and most importantly what binds us together, we must allow this courage to burst forth and prove, once and for all, that America is the brightest light and hope of the world."

Harry J. Perez

These words could have been written at any point in our rich history.


The Seven Words that can Change the World

Thank You

                      I Love You 

                                             Yes Dear

Harry J. Perez


Is our country in Disarray? What can we do?

"We need to get back to basics. First, how do we repay (maybe pay forward) to those who came before us and pioneered this great country of ours. They sacrificed so much, gave their blood, sweat and tears and in many instances gave up their very lives so that we, the latest generation, could bask in those hard earned freedoms. They had no problem with extending the common courtesy and giving the respect deserved to those that they were dealing with, especially with those who reciprocated.

And there lies the answer-a lot of hard work, and to do it with dignity and courtesy. Why can’t we have respect for our fellow man (and women of course) knowing full well that their plight is our plight; their successes are our successes as well. No one of us can do it alone, but together anything is possible. Have we forgotten this?"

Harry J. Perez


What makes that obvious?

"Our universe is all inclusive and contains every ingredient to produce life. Planet Earth makes that obvious! Furthermore, to produce intelligent life, human beings make that obvious as well. But obvious does not measure to what degree life is essential to the continued survival of the universe, and to what degree humans are intelligent."

Harry J. Perez


To Hope!

When you have been dragged down into the mud and life seems hopeless…  chick here to see what to do.



"History has shown that the spirit of the free, will always triumph over those who choose to trample over the weak and humble."

Harry J. Perez

To see Veryl Goodnight's sculpture for freedom, "the Day the wall came down" Click here. This sculpture commemorates the fall of the Soviet Union's iron curtain.


Bonding through Travel!

No matter where you travel in the United States you will find rich History. You will find fabulous venues that can tickle your fancy, delicious food that will savor your lips, and of course super friendly people that will stir your heart. 

The cultural blending that has continued to occur in this great country of ours is producing a stronger character resulting from the commonalty of the sacrifices of our forefathers. The commonalty of their sacrifices, the plights and the successes that they shared bound them together. 

Today, this bond has allowed us to experience the past and to combine it with the present, in order for us to eagerly face the future with confidence. Don’t let our differences blur and diminish the progress that has been realized.

Harry J. Perez


Travel and Passion!

Travel is our passion. You say -  Lets go! We say - when? It doesn't matter where. We have already been to some remote places in the world and we always say we are coming back, no doubt. But there are so many more places to visit that we haven't been able to return a second time, except Alaska-six times, and South Africa twice. And maybe ALASKA again in 2021.

Harry J. Perez


Passionate Travelers

As travel writers we write about most places that we have been. Whether a journal or if we anticipate writing an article, it does not matter, we give it all the attention needed to get the message across.

The beauty of the people and the landscape of a particular location inspires us to attempt to share it with you in so many words. Yet words are sometimes not enough to describe what we are seeing and feeling, so maybe we can encourage you to go see it for yourself. You will not be disappointed!

Harry and Linda Kaye Perez



The Greatest Tribute to Life

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but there is no number of words that can adequately describe the value of a true friend who is willing to lay down his life for you. The American War Veteran regardless of which war, has always been that friend, and we owe a great deal of gratitude to them. 

Harry J. Perez



   © Harry Perez 2012